There are two options to adjust your child’s level. They can either sit a placement test which will determine the best place for them to enter the program or you can manually adjust their level.


For both options please follow these steps:


1. Log into your family dashboard at If your login automatically goes to your child’s account, you will need to log out until you reach the family dashboard.


2. From the Family Dashboard select the child whose progress you would like to adjust..


3. Click on the ‘Redo placement test or adjust level’ link located on the right-hand side of the screen under the Mathseeds tab, or select between the 'Take Placement Test' or 'Adjust Level' in the centre of the screen.




4. In the next screen, make sure the correct program is selected. This will be the program you are adjusting for. To reset the Placement test click ‘Reset and Start Over’. 




5. To adjust your child's progress, manually select a lesson from the drop-down menu and click ‘Change Current Lesson’.




Things to note:

  • Next time you enter the program your changes will be reflected.
  • When you reset the placement test, you will remove all your child’s level progress. However, all golden eggs, critters, house furniture and certificates will remain.
  • If you're using a school-linked account, your child's levels are set by their teacher. You will need to contact your child's teacher to make level adjustments or reset the placement test.



*For further instructions on how to reset your placement test please refer to this video